K2 Zim | Klein Karoo Seed Marketing Zimbabwe


BOTANICAL NAME Medicago sativa
TYPE Subtropical Legume
Semi-winter dormant, dormancy 6
PRODUCTION PERIOD Perennial, Spring, summer & autumn


Deep penetrating taproot
Stem coarse to medium
Seeds green to yellow to light brown; kidney shaped to ovoid;

1 – 2.5mm x 1 – 1.5mm; 440 000 – 500 000 seeds/kg

CROP Strengths: High nutritive value
Double purpose cultivar – hay and grazing crop
Feeding value: Crude protein: 15 – 25%
Digestibility: 60 – 75% DMD
Production potential: 8 – 15t/ha/annum
Uses: Hay & grazing
Soil requirements: Grows across a wide range of soil types, prefers deep, well drained soils
pH range of 6.5 – 8.0
Establishment: Plant during August – September / February – May
Broadcast at 8 – 12.5kg/ha dryland and 20 – 25kg/ha irrigated
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