K2 Zim | Klein Karoo Seed Marketing Zimbabwe


BOTANICAL NAME Pennisetum clandestinum
TYPE Sub-tropical, Grass


Robust, creeping, prostate form, 0.3 – 0.4m tall
Stoloniferous; rhizomatous
Leaf blades bright green to pale yellow, tapering to sub-obtuse tips, folded into a bud when young; 4.5 – 11.5cm x 6mm; sparsely and softly hairy
Flat and ovoid seeds; dark brown; 2.5 – 1.5mm; 400 000 seeds/kg
CROP Strengths: Rapid summer growth, responsive to good fertility
Productive under heavy grazing, high quality
Feeding value: Crude protein: 10.7 – 23.7 %
Production potential: Dry matter production: 6 – 20 t/ha/annum
Uses: Permanent pasture, ground cover, amenity turf, irrigated pasture, hay and silage
Soil requirements: Prefers fertile loamy soil types with high organic matter content
Tolerates low pH; moderate salinity; pH range of 4.5 – 8
Establishment: Plant during October – February
Seeding rate at 5 kg/ha
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