K2 Zim | Klein Karoo Seed Marketing Zimbabwe


BOTANICAL NAME Secale cereale
TYPE Temperate, Cereal grain
PRODUCTION PERIOD Annual, Spring & winter


Tall, hardy, tufted grass, 1.2 – 2m tall
Stems ascending when young, becomes more erect when older
Oblong shaped seeds; light brown; 0.8cm long.

30 000 – 45 000 seeds/kg

CROP Strengths: Quick short-duration rye with high leaf to stem ratio
More volume, more production than oats
Feeding value: Crude protein: 6 – 22%

Digestibility: 53 – 63%

Production potential: Dry matter production: 5 – 12t/ha/annum
Uses: Grazing, hay, silage, grain production & rotational crop
Soil requirements: Grows best on well-drained loamy soils
Tolerates sandy soils, pH range of 4.5 – 8.0
Establishment: Plant during February – May
Seeding rate at 25 – 50kg/ha dryland and 50 -70kg/ha Irrigated

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